Below are the units of work for SCIENCE and the skills progression.
- Y1 Autumn 1 Term Animals including humanspdf
- Y1 Autumn 2 Term Everyday materialspdf
- Y1 Spring 1 Term Animals including humans (inc invertebraes)pdf
- Y1 Spring 2 Term Plantspdf
- Y1 Summer 1 Term Seasonal changes (autumn and winter)pdf
- Y1 Summer 2 Term Seasonal changes (spring and summer)pdf
- Y2 Autumn Term Plantspdf
- Y2 Spring 1 Term Uses of everyday materialspdf
- Y2 Spring 2 Living things and their habitatpdf
- Y2 Summer Term Animals including humanspdf
- Y3 Autumn 1 Term Animals including humanspdf
- Y3 Autumn 2 Term Animals including humans (skeletons and muscles)pdf
- Y3 Spring 1 Term Lightpdf
- Y3 Spring 2 Term Forces and Magnetspdf
- Y3 Summer 1 Rockspdf
- Y3 Summer 2 Plantspdf
- Y4 Autumn 1 Soundpdf
- Y4 Autumn 2 Electricitypdf
- Y4 Spring 1 States of Matterpdf
- Y4 Spring 2 Animals including Humanspdf
- Y4 Summer 1 Living Things and their Habitatspdf
- Y4 Summer 2 Animals including Humanspdf
- Y5 Autumn 1 Earth and Spacepdf
- Y5 Autumn 2 Forcespdf
- Y5 Spring term Properties and Changes of Materialspdf
- Y5 Summer 1 Living Things and their Habitat (1)pdf
- Y5 Summer 2 Animals including Humanspdf
- Y6 Autumn 1 Living Things and their Habitatspdf
- Y6 Autumn 2 Evolution and Inheritancepdf
- Y6 Spring 1 Animals Including Humanspdf
- Y6 Spring 2 Animals including Humans inc Features of the Heartpdf
- Y6 Summer 1 Electricitypdf
- Y6 Summer 2 Lightpdf